

Larry is constantly exploring ways of combining color and line to create both strong emotions and a fluid sense of narrative in abstract space. His principal narrative is human mythology, and it is told with symbols and figurative elements as well as tones and values.  Some are conscious; others appear as if by magic in retrospect.  Larry builds with a sense of structure, but welcomes the poetry of chance effects, divergences and incompatibilities that lead the viewer in several directions at the same time.  

Larry became a full-time artist in 2014, following a long career in international law.  Building on a lifelong interest in contemporary art, Larry studied with noted abstract artists at the Studios of Key West before launching his studio in Oxford, Maryland, and joining a number of regional artist organizations, including the Main Street Gallery and the Dorchester Center for the Arts in Cambridge, the Art Academy in Easton, and the Rehoboth Art League in Delaware.  He has participated in juried and individual shows throughout the region, in Washington, DC, and in Key West, where he also maintains a winter studio.   He is a listed artist through the Rehoboth Art League and the Maryland Association for the Arts.  He also exhibits through www.talbotartists.org and posts on Facebook and Instagram.

He has numerous paintings in collections throughout the country and abroad.